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What is Clinical Hypnotherapy & Strategic Psychotherapy?

Writer: Sandrine GranetSandrine Granet

What is Clinical Hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis (hypnotherapy) is a tool to help you to enter a state of trance (unconscious).

By doing so, your mind will then relax and this allows you to be more open to receiving information that you would not assimilate in a normal state (conscious). You are in total control during the whole time of the session, you are working n yourself, and the hypnotherapist is just there to guide you to do so. You are working together to reach the outcome you desire.

Every session is personalized and NOT scripted so we can focus on what you desire to achieve!

How does Hypnosis work?

Hypnosis helps you to accept suggestion under trance state with more ease.

The therapist helps you to change a perspective or behavior trough your unconscious mind by bypassing the conscious mind. Every problems that we have has more than one possible perception and having an hypnosis session can help us see more perceptions as we can't from the conscious mind.

What is trance?

Anytime you are focusing inward you are in trance. When you are daydreaming, driving(sometimes), bushwalking, or any activity you are putting yourself into "autopilot" mode.

We can think of examples from our own day-to-day experience without too much effort, for example:

  • you’re scrolling through Facebook late at night; part of your mind is thinking that you really should put the phone down and go to bed, but twenty minutes later, you find you’re still scrolling through it

  • when driving – if you’ve ever had a day off work, got in the car to go somewhere, and found yourself taking your normal route to work, even though you wanted to go some other place altogether;

  • or (second driving example) if you’ve been on the freeway/highway for some time, you realise you’ve missed your exit, and also that you have no memory of the past twenty minutes;

  • or you’re watching TV, completely engrossed in a really gripping series or your team going to penalties in the final, and your partner has to ask you three times if you want a drink before they get your attention;

  • or just losing yourself in a daydream, or concentrating intently on something to the point where we lose track of what is happening in our external environment. What we concentrate on can be external (a candle flame, music) or internal (breathing, a mantra, an image or an idea).

Another characteristic of trance is that it is experienced as happening to us, without any regulation, control, or effort by the conscious mind.

Finally, trance is characterised by the spontaneous emergence of hypnotic phenomena such as amnesia, perceptual distortions, and dissociation.

Ericksonian hypnotherapists use trance as a way of loosening the grip of the normal conscious mindset, which may be contributing to problems by trying to maintain control of the client’s environment.

Utilising a naturally occurring, ‘everyday’ trance can be a useful way to do this.

So trance has three characteristics:

  • Narrowing or fixating of attention, either externally or internally.

  • It is experienced as something that happens to us.

  • Various hypnotic phenomena spontaneously emerge.

Plus, it can and does happen naturally. So far from being an unusual ‘altered state’, it could be argued that we are in a trance state of one kind for another most if not all of the time.

When are we ever fully aware of everything around us?

The best way to be in trance and to receive information from hypnosis is between Alpha and Theta brain waves.

The Myths of Hypnosis

There are a few myths about hypnosis/hypnotherapy.

Here's a list of a few:

  • Incredible power "zap me" - This is not how this work, the therapist can't "zap you"

  • Loss of control (make you do stuff) - In no way that can happen! You are in total control of your body and mind all the time

  • Disclosing information, inability to go into trance, inability to wake up, zombie state - Again you are in total control of yourself, you will be able to wake up if the fire alarm is on, you will be able to go into trance even if your mind is very active or you are a very active person!

  • My mind is too strong can't = stubborn and inflexible Anyone can enter a trance state, even if the mind is busy the unconscious mind listen and register

  • Lost memories can be retrieved accurately This is as easily inaccurate

What is Strategic Psychotherapy?

Strategic psychotherapy helps us to determine "how" you have been running patterns and "how" you have been dealing with those issues.

The therapist asks strategic questions to help pinpoint where there are skills or knowledge gaps to then help you build up those missing information to create change and reach your desired outcome.

This technique combined with hypnosis really will offer you a personalized and empowering new set of tools to create your life in a positive way.

This technique is great to also start to challenge yourself and sometimes to get an "aha" moment, where you can actually "see" how you have been the way you have been without knowing it. It challenges the conscious mind.

We are leading you via strategic questioning, that is to say, we are asking questions to strategically manoeuvre you to a position. Strategic therapy actively targets the way you experience your world, so will directly improve the way you experience relationships, socialising, money and your own capacity to change.

Strategic therapy pays close attention to and seeks change, the process by which people create and maintain their problems. It asks "how do you do that?", not "why do you do that?". It seeks to change processes, not content. Hence, the process is the underlying cause, not the symptoms.

We believe that you can create the life you desire.

Start to break patterns now!


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